Lightly used 2 HP radial arm saw, with stand, Owner's Manual, How-to guide, 6 saw blades, Dado set with 5 chippers, Molding Set with 18 cutters (both never used), hold-down set, 1 1/2" key chuck for routing or drilling, dust collector set. The complete package; most things never used. Must make room in my shop; something has to go. Although sliding compound miter saws do an excellent job of finish-crosscutting boards up to 12" wide, nothing beats a radial arm saw for crosscutting wider stock and rough boards. Properly adjusted, the radial arm saw can cut very accurate dados, referenced on the opposite side of the board, which is a big advantage for some jobs. While it may not be the pound for pound most versatile power tool around, it's definitely up there in terms of versatility because of the sheer number of cuts that the radial saw can make. Radial arm saws are still very useful tools for the right user.