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$1,234 · Many House Plants For Sale!

Sadly we are having to thin our lovely jungle! Would prefer to sell to one buyer but realize that this is likely unrealistic,,, please inquire which ones you are interested in for a bundle price! Individual listings are to come with more detail and prices... Anywhere from $30 to $280 each or $1100 for all! 1 - Bushy Dieffenbachia (Seven Stems) w/ Burro's Tail - 42"h x 39"w. 2 - Orange Freckled Bushy Philodendron - 26"h x 32"w. 3 - Double Speckled Croton - 25"h x 11"w. 4 - Red Flowering Holiday Cactus (Zygocactus) - 20"h x 30"w (flowering now). 5 - Big Multi-headed Aloe with babies - 26"h x 30"w. 6 - Pink Flowering Cape Primrose - 12”h x 16”w. 7 - Giant Norfolk Pine (Araucaria) - 5ft h x 8ft w in a 13" pot. 8 - Out Of Control Rubber Tree (Ficus Elasticus Humongous) - 6ft h x 8ft w. 9 - Tall Solo Dieffenbachia - 6ft h x 3ft w - w/Burro's Tails as well. 10 - Curly Leafed Ficus Tree - 58”h x 46”w. 11 - Ginormous Croton Norma - 60”h x 48”w. 12 - Triple Jade in tiny pot - 17"h. 13 - Multi-Bulbed Bushy Ponytail Plant - 32"h x 37"w - beautiful big hairdo! 14 - #1 Lipstick Vine (Aeschynanthus) - w/ 6ft long trailing branches, flowers often! SOLD #2 Lipstick Vine (Aeschynanthus) - w/ 6ft long trailing branches, flowers often! 16 - Skinny Single Stem Zanzibar Croton - 63"h x 43"w. 17 - Too Tall Double Dragon Tree (Dracaena) - 8ft+! Hitting ceiling & drooping. 18 - Baby Dragon Tree (Dracaena) - 27"h x 16"w. 19 - Wax Plant (Hoya) with trailing 7ft branch. 20 - Big Jade - 29"h x 33"w. 21 - Multi Aloe in Square Pot - 18"h x 2'w. 22 - Big Multi-Headed Aloe Trailing out of Pot. SOLD Young Double Trouble Cape Primrose in Purple Pot - Plant & pot: 6”h x 8”w. 24 - Needs TLC Burro's Tail - 28" trailing tail over pot. 25 - Hurtin' Aloe Tray - too many plants, needs help. - 30"w. - Text or call Robert, texting is best.

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