Hello community! Collective Space is a coworking space in downtown Duncan at 166 Station Street. Due to Covid restrictions, our collective has taken a rather large decrease in income and membership... especially from group events, which is also an opportunity with available space! We are looking for a few more core members who can use space for one or more months, ideally long term, furnished or not. If you have an idea or a need, please reach out. We have space available that is empty and ready for your furniture, as well as furnished with desks, media space, a counsel room, etc. If you have special needs, we have lots of options: - special space needs - multi rooms - large space - storage - media/resources - retail space - gallery space - public advertising - business support/web design/etc We have a couple private offices for rent starting at $200 for part time, going up to $350-450 full time, 24/7, depending on the space. We have a great little team, wifi/plug in internet, atmosphere, kitchen, washroom, art gallery, media room, and more. If you have a space you would like to rent out or get managed, residential, commercial or farm space... Please contact us too.