MUCKY BOOTS FARM has hatching eggs available from our champion BLACK AUSTRALORP breeding stock. These are exceptional birds that are bred to the standard and for large size and weight. Our lovely rooster, Hector, won Best Australorp Rooster and Best Standard Breed Rooster at the Cowichan Fair. We use pesticide-free feed and our chickens forage on 1 acre of wood lot and pasture....making them happy and healthy indeed. Please check out our blog for more details. We love our chickens! Australorps are a large, dual purpose, heritage breed known for their docile temperament and fluffy feathers. The hens are excellent winter layers and cockerels make great eating at about 20-22 weeks. Fertile hatching eggs are $30 per dozen. We also have fertile hatching eggs available from our Champion BLUE AUSTRALORP and WYANDOTTE breeding flocks.